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​Notice on Leaving School Procedures for 2024 International Graduates

Release time :2024-06-18 Click-throughput:

To all international graduates in 2024:

In accordance with the XJTU arrangement for students who leave school in 2023-2024 academic year, the notice on leaving school procedures for international graduates who are in or outside China is as follows:

I. Graduates in China who live on campus and studentsunder changed status

1.Please complete the check-out procedures and move out of the dormitory before July 28.

2. Students who fail to check out after the deadline will have to pay the accommodation fee by day starting from August 1.

3. Students who will leave school late and need accommodation should submit the application form for temporary stay on vacation (Attachment 3) before July 10th, and pay the accommodation fee every month from August 1st (You must obeythe dormitory adjustment).

II. GraduatesoutsideChina who live on campus and students underchanged status

1. Please entrust others to move your belongings out of the dormitory and complete the check-out procedure before July 15. Those who fail to do so will be regarded as giving up the belongings in the room.

2. If there is nomandatary to handle your check-out procedures or cleaning, the property service center can be your mandatary to handle the relevant matters.

lProperty Service Center in Iharbour Campus Tel(WeChat number):15829982612

lProperty Service Center in Xingqing Campus Tel:029-82668813

lProperty Service Center in Tanta Campus Tel:029-82657918

III.Check-Out Procedures

1. Please send the Check-Out Form of International Student Accommodation (Attachment 1) with your instructor’s signature and the Letter of Authorization (Attachment 2) days in advance.

2. After receiving the email of "Approved", you can go to the property service center for check-out procedures. If entrusted by others, the mandatary should bring a copy of the Letter of Authorization with the consignor’s handwriting signature and both consignor’s and mandatory’s passport first page copy.

3. After cleaning the room, and completing the check-out procedures according to the requirements of the property service center, you will get theCheck-Out Form forRoom Inspection.

4. Please send the electronic version of the Check-Out Form forRoom, and the logistics Office will handle the "dormitory check-out" process in the school departure system.

Note:The above students refer to the graduates. At the same time, students who need to leave school, such as suspension, dropping out of university, delayed graduation, study completion, scholarship extension, and the students who have not completed the check-out procedure after graduation may refer to these procedures for checking out as soon as possible.

School of International Education

Xi’an Jiaotong University

June 18, 2024