管理学院研究生、西安交通大学奖学金获得者,来自巴巴多斯的GRIFFITH ROMARIO RONALDO(罗飞)代表2020级国际新生发言。感动于中国众志成城的抗疫之举与学校在疫情时的关怀备至,本科毕业的罗飞决定继续留校深造。他把在西安交通大学的时光比作一段旅程,“千里之行,始于足下”。这段旅程曾见证了他奋斗逐梦的美好瞬间,接下来更将赋予他奋勇前进的机遇与本领。发言全文如下:
Dear teachers and students, good afternoon.
My name is Romario, I’m from Barbados. Today I feel so honored to, on the behalf of the new students who are in China, warmly welcome all of the international students from across the world.
2020 has been a very special year. When COVID-19 broke out in January, I was in China to witness the united spirit of the Chinese people and the anti-epidemic action as they strove to protect everyone from the pandemic. As international students of Xi 'an Jiaotong University, we were also well cared for.山河无恙,春暖花开is the most beautiful word I learnt this spring. At Xi 'an Jiaotong University we still kept having classes online, never stop learning. In July, I successfully passed my graduation thesis defense and obtained my Bachelor graduation certificate. In September, with an admission notice for postgraduate study at Xi 'an Jiaotong University in one hand, and my hopes and dreams in the other, I started a new journey on the iHarbor Campus of XJTU.
Firstly, I would like to thank Xi 'an Jiaotong University for giving me the opportunity to study at such a prestigious school. I’m sure that all of the international students, those on campus and those residing in their home countries, share my sentiments when I say that we are and will forever be grateful for the opportunity to study in the great halls of Xi 'an Jiaotong University.
They say “the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Today, standing within the awe of Innovation Harbor we have begun a journey of a thousand miles.
This is the journey of a thousand nights. Staying up late in the library researching, examining, questioning. Staring at the reality of the world through our studies and daring to innovate, daring to create something new.
This is the journey of a thousand tears. Tears of frustration as we spend day in and day out conducting experiments, failing, conducting more experiments, failing and coming at it again the next day. Tears of joy when we succeed. Tears of compassion when we as a student body hold hands together on the fateful day we finally graduate.
This is the journey of a thousand opportunities. I can only speak for myself when I say I plan to work harder than I ever have in my life. This opportunity, this chance is a once in a lifetime journey and I want to use everything I have to take it and make it matter. I want my time here to mean something, I want the relationships I make to have value, I want the research I undertake to have the potential to change the world.
This is the journey of a thousand stories with XJTU. As young people we are the leaders of tomorrow. And that makes us the researchers and the students of today. This is the start of your story. The days when the sun shines and you feel like it’s a great day to spend hours in the library searching for that one book that has all the answers is a page in your story. The days when the snow falls and it is so cold and all you want to do is stay inside but you have class and if you are ever going to do anything great you have to get up is another page in your story. The days where you feel lonely, the days where you feel joy, the days where you feel confidence are all pages in the story of your life. This is the beginning of a legend, the legend of you. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”
This the journey of a thousand dreams.When we were young they would ask us: What do you want to be when you grow up? You’ve grown up. So now the question becomes: Who do you want to be in the next two years, in the next year, in the next month? Tomorrow? Who will you be tomorrow. Right here on the grounds of XJTU, this is the land of dreams, and as long as you are willing to fight for it, to work for it, what you chose to be you will become.
This is Xi’an Jitong University,your future, my future, our future.