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发布时间 :2023-06-14 点击量:

CHIEM THU DAO经济与金融学院 国际经济与贸易专业2019级本科生


Farewell tomorrow morning, I hope that clouds and sunshine will always accompany you to the end of the world; flowers and green grass will follow you to spread out your great future.




Happy graduation! Today is a proud moment for you. Remember that graduation is not the end of a difficult journey but a beautiful start. Believe in yourself, start every day. Never stop growing, exploring, learning, and challenging yourself. Follow your dreams and they will always lead you in the right direction. May you always have new opportunities and may you always succeed in life. Congratulations and best wishes for your future.


SAILIKE AIZATI 医学部 临床医学2018级本科生

Our journey is a sea of stars, the road ahead is mighty , and the future is promising. I wish all students a wonderful future and a happy graduation!


SINGH MRINALINI 医学部 临床医学2019级本科生

Weappreciateyour determination,passion,drive and vision for the future.The most important thing that you have learnt in your time here is how to learn leaving with a positive attitude.Remember you are a global citizen who can provide solutions to the challenges the world is facing locally nationally and globally. Now you are prepared to face the world with resilience determination and make it a better place to live in.Happy graduation!


Hossein abedimizab 医学部 临床医学2017级本科生

2023-06-09 12:32:57.156000

To all the remarkable individuals graduating alongside me, congratulations on this significant accomplishment! May your futures be filled with endless opportunities, cherished memories, and the fulfillment of your dreams. Wishing you all success, happiness, and a lifetime of extraordinary achievements.


LOAIZA PEREZ YURIDIA ANDREA 人文社会科学学院 新闻传播学2022级研究生


It is said that success is but the sum of repeated effort day by day, thus, to all graduates in 2023, be proud of your time spent in Xi'an Jiaotong University, of your friendships made, of your weekends spent in the library or the late afternoons at class. A new chapter is opening in your lives. From now on, wherever you go, go with all your heart.


OKOPI SOLOMON INALEGWU 人居学院 地球与人居环境科学及工程2020级研究生

The path of graduate studies is challenging but rewarding. As a member of the class of 2023, I offered support, encouragement, and advice, making a positive impact on this year's graduates. It brings me joy to be a blessing on their journey.




Congratulations on your successful graduation. I wish all the students to achieve great success in their future work and life and give full play to their own strength. You will have a bright and promising future.


Hamza Younis 医学部 2020级口腔医学硕士


Graduation is imminent, and a new journey is about to begin, wish every friend can bravely face every day in the future!
